Many of the studies that have been performed in this area show that there is a definite link between the type of culture that a school has and what kind of safety the occupants of the school can expect. Only then we can include a person in the list of a good leaders. Program Outcome Rationale The Program Outcome that most reflects this activity is School and Community Leadership. Vision Statement The Uplift Triumph Preparatory School vision is multifaceted, addressing both learning outcomes and the environment…, leadership essay example. Seek help from Students Assignment Help experts Students Assignment Help professionals are providing top-quality essay writing services to graduates and postgraduates. By reaching out to students and teachers and extend a caring attitude, the headmistress actually present an inviting and safe leadership essay example to the school community. Leadership in Special Education the Words: Length: 3 Pages Document Type: Term Leadership essay example Paper :
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Over the course of the quarter, leadership essay example, my understanding of leadership has transformed from an indescribable factor to concrete awareness of the tangible things that make a leader truly effective. I also learned that leading in a virtual setting is even more of a challenge. That said, I now know a multitude of ways that a leader in leadership essay example virtual team can be effective, many of which Leadership essay example saw firsthand in my team. After all, if a leader can promote unmotivated members to participate, group cohesion improves and so does work output. This class and the group work within it showed me that a high willingness to communicate, the ability to be a transformational leader, and the capability to motivate loafing members all make leadership essay example an extremely effective leader in a virtual team.
This involves consistent communication with team members, leadership essay example. In virtual teams, there is a reduced amount and quality of information and less common information as a whole Yoon. If the leader maintains communication about group tasks and goals with the team, the lack of information problem can be circumvented. Our leader did a fantastic job of this during parts one and two of the paper we wrote. She set and maintained process-related goals, leadership essay example is the way goals are accomplished and which include frequent and consistent communication among team members. She also checked in with all of us via email multiple times a week and made sure we were on schedule.
Leading by example and writing notes within the paper, on what to do next, kept the whole team organized. Her consistent communication kept everyone in the loop. A high WTC stands as one of the most important aspects of an effective leader, and our team leader possessed it in spades. Another aspect o f effective leadership in virtual teams is that of transformational leadership, leadership essay example, something I actually wish our group leader exhibited more of. Physiological, safetyand belonging needs are met by transformational leaders; so are self-esteem and self-actualization needs Yoon.
Our team, particularly during the Everest Simulation, had a few members who felt extremely lost and confused when they signed on. The situation begged for a strong transformational leader. One of our members would have really benefitted from being told he was competent enough to handle the task a self-esteem issue. He had a barrage of concerned questions before and during the simulation that exhibited his anxiety over his ability to perform the task at hand. Had our leader ensured that everyone felt confident and self-assured about their own role in the simulation, our members may have been more willing to share their unique goals and information Hinds and Weisband.
Team member participation would have likely increased as well, because no one would feel that they risked embarrassment for being wrong or confused. Social loafing team member unreliability and feelings of unimportance often occurs as a result of the Ringelmann effect, which is the tendency for individuals to be less productive as a group gets larger Kidwell, leadership essay example. Loafing members, especially in a group with a transactive memory system in place, like ours, can seriously inhibit team success. This is because a transactive memory system divides the cognitive work load between members Yoon. In our team, we divided pieces of the paper between the six of us, leadership essay example.
Our leader tried to keep everyone motivated, but two of our members just did not do much work at all. This forced the rest of us to do extra work in order to cover for their social loafing. It also affected our group cohesion negatively. If a leader can maintain communication leadership essay example all members preferably consistent communication team members will be less likely to ignore their leader because they feel important. However, our leader used email as a leadership essay example means to communicate with them. This notion was reflected in our group I know this because our leader expressed frustration to me that her detailed emails were not being read and absorbed by a few loafing team members.
To be an effective leader in a virtual team, leadership essay example, one must possess a high willingness to communicate, the capacity to be a transformational leader when necessary and the ability to limit social loafing. Communication builds trust; transformational leadership boosts self-esteem; a lack of leadership essay example loafing promotes cohesion. All of these things lay the foundation for a team to work efficiently and effectively. Leadership has been described as a process of social influence in which one person can enlist the aid and support of others in the accomplishment of a common task Chemmers, An autocratic leader gives high emphasis on performance and a low emphasis on people.
To get the job done, an autocratic leader relies on power and hard work with minimal employee involvement. However, a human relations leader gives low emphasis on performance and a high emphasis on people. This type of leadership essay example relies on teamwork and good relationship to get the job done. Next, a democratic leader gives high emphasis on performance and people. The leader motivate and managing individuals in order to reach organizational as well as their own personal objectives. Lastly, a laissez faire leader gives low emphasis on performance and people. The leader just do enough to get the job done and leave people alone as much as possible.
Every school leader has its own way to choose their leadership style. Furthermore, there is another type of leadership which is servant leadership. Servant leadership is a form of democratic leadership, leadership essay example, as the whole team tends to be involved in decision-making. This leadership has some interesting characteristics for the leader to apply it in their organization and management, leadership essay example. Inthe National Education Blueprint was released which outlined 11 shifts that will need to implement in our education system. The fifth shift in this plan is to ensure high-performing school leaders in every school.
Therefore, types of leadership practiced by the headmasters are important because it will give either positive or negative impact to the schools community. During my last teaching practical, I noticed that the school headmistress practiced a combination of democratic leadership and servant-leadership styles, leadership essay example. Based on my experiences and observation, I believed that this school leader possesses some characteristics as democratic and servant leader. Some of the democratic characteristics are being a decisive-decision maker and also a good communicator. In addition, she also has some characteristics of servant leader such as being empathy, persuasive and community builder.
I really admire her leadership styles because I can see that the school communities are comfortable to do their work and the school performance also increases from year to year. The first characteristic of a democratic school leader is being a leadership essay example maker. I still remembered the time when we had a school meeting where the headmistress came out with an issue and gave the freedom for the teachers to voice out their views or ideas. I rarely see this type of leadership in school. Usually, the school leaders will come out with their own decision and ask the subordinates to follow their pla n.
She facilitated the discussion and encouraged the teachers to share their ideas and then synthesizing all the available information into the final decision. She also even asked the teacher trainees to contribute ideas for the school. I was touched with the discussion and hope that I leadership essay example have a good leader like her in my future teaching. The second characteristic of a democratic leader possesses by the headmistress is being a good communicator. Whenever leadership essay example talks either in meeting or in informal discussion, leadership essay example, she always ensures that there is two-way communication.
She was able to create an environment where the teachers feel very comfortable not just receiving information, but also sharing information with her. In addition, she was also able to build trust among the teachers through her genuine communication. She always being honest in whatever she says and that make me proud of having a school leader like her. In addition, she is also a good listener when she communicates with others. Thus, I can say that my headmistress is an effective leader because she has both characteristics of being a great communicator leadership essay example also a good leadership essay example. Thirdly, the headmistress also practices one of the characteristics of servant leadership which is empathy.
I can see that she strives to understand and empathizes with others. During the teaching practices, I observed that the headmistress frequently go around the school, leadership essay example. Sometimes, she asks about our well -being and also discusses about the problems in class. Moreover, whenever she meets with her students or the school staffs, she always tries to have simple conversation like asking about health and so on. By reaching out to students and teachers and extend a caring attitude, the headmistress actually present an inviting and safe atmosphere to the school community. This type of environment also can encourage teachers and students to become productive and successful in their work and study.
Fourth, leadership essay example, the school headmistress is a persuasive leader who seeks to convince others, rather than coercive compliance. During the meeting, the headmistress has not put a lot of energy into getting people to follow her idea but the teachers are willing to follow her decision. She is not only able to come out with good ideas but also able to persuade others to accept the changes. Fifth, I identified that the school headmistress also possesses one of the servant leadership characteristics which is a community builder. Novak, in Leadership essay example, encourages schools to move into the community through their service and real life problem solving and move leadership essay example community into the school through parent groups or community members becoming involved in school planning.
During leadership essay example teaching practical, I found out that the headmistress is the real community builder, leadership essay example. There are many activities in the school plan that has involvement of school community and also the community outside the school. For example, Maulidur Rasul program is one of the Islamic programmes that had been organized by the school which needed the students and teachers to meet with the community who live outside of the school. Leadership essay example what I heard, the teachers and also the students were walking from the school to leadership essay example nearer villages at that time, leadership essay example. They were reciting selawat for Prophet Muhammad from house to house and the school headmistress received positive feedbacks from the villagers.
Beside, the headmistress also organized a gotong- royong program where there was an involvement of parents and students in decorating and cleaning the school areas. The outcome of this activity is really impressive and successful because it involves both communities who live inside and outside of the school to contribute their ideas. Fullan, leadership essay example, and Mortimore, in Azian binti Ahmad Shaharbi, leadership essay example, assert that in this globalized era, a head teacher needs to practice professional leadership which includes firmness in leadership essay example decisions, having realistic objectives and emphasizing on uniqueness as a leader in school.
Therefore, in order to fulfill the fifth shift in National Education Blueprint; to ensure high-performing school leaders in every school, the head school not only leadership essay example the students to have high achievements in academics and co-curriculum, but more importantly to the opportunity to make difference in school. However, their responsibility of being a leader is very challenging to them. Fullan ,; Deal and Peterson, ; and Abdul Shukor Abdullah, leadership essay example, in Azian binti Ahmad Shaharbi, exposed that there are weaknesses in the school leadership, leadership essay example. One of the challenges in school leadership is the role of the school leader to be a facilitator and also an activator to the teachers.
A facilitator is a leader with outstanding human relation skills that include the abilities to build individual relationships with parents, leadership essay example, teachers, and students; collaborative teams with staff members and parents; and a schoolwide community of leaders McEwan, Elain K. On the other hand, an activator is an individual with gumption e, leadership essay example. The headmistress is lacking in this characteristics despite of her good relationships with the school community. It is proven by Mansor Abd. The change leadership essay example is a flexible, futuristic and realistic leader, able to motivate as well as manage change in an organized, positive and enduring fashion McEwan, Elain K.
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Over the course of the quarter, my understanding of leadership has transformed from an indescribable factor to concrete awareness of the tangible things that make a leader truly effective. I also learned that leading in a virtual setting is even more of a challenge. That said, I now know a multitude of ways that a leader in a virtual team can be effective, many of which I saw firsthand in my team. After all, if a leader can promote unmotivated members to participate, group cohesion improves and so does work output. This class and the group work within it showed me that a high willingness to communicate, the ability to be a transformational leader, and the capability to motivate loafing members all make for an extremely effective leader in a virtual team.
This involves consistent communication with team members. In virtual teams, there is a reduced amount and quality of information and less common information as a whole Yoon. If the leader maintains communication about group tasks and goals with the team, the lack of information problem can be circumvented. Our leader did a fantastic job of this during parts one and two of the paper we wrote. She set and maintained process-related goals, which is the way goals are accomplished and which include frequent and consistent communication among team members.
She also checked in with all of us via email multiple times a week and made sure we were on schedule. Leading by example and writing notes within the paper, on what to do next, kept the whole team organized. Her consistent communication kept everyone in the loop. A high WTC stands as one of the most important aspects of an effective leader, and our team leader possessed it in spades. Another aspect o f effective leadership in virtual teams is that of transformational leadership, something I actually wish our group leader exhibited more of. Physiological, safety , and belonging needs are met by transformational leaders; so are self-esteem and self-actualization needs Yoon.
Our team, particularly during the Everest Simulation, had a few members who felt extremely lost and confused when they signed on. The situation begged for a strong transformational leader. One of our members would have really benefitted from being told he was competent enough to handle the task a self-esteem issue. He had a barrage of concerned questions before and during the simulation that exhibited his anxiety over his ability to perform the task at hand. Had our leader ensured that everyone felt confident and self-assured about their own role in the simulation, our members may have been more willing to share their unique goals and information Hinds and Weisband.
Team member participation would have likely increased as well, because no one would feel that they risked embarrassment for being wrong or confused. Social loafing team member unreliability and feelings of unimportance often occurs as a result of the Ringelmann effect, which is the tendency for individuals to be less productive as a group gets larger Kidwell. Loafing members, especially in a group with a transactive memory system in place, like ours, can seriously inhibit team success. This is because a transactive memory system divides the cognitive work load between members Yoon. In our team, we divided pieces of the paper between the six of us. Our leader tried to keep everyone motivated, but two of our members just did not do much work at all.
This forced the rest of us to do extra work in order to cover for their social loafing. It also affected our group cohesion negatively. If a leader can maintain communication with all members preferably consistent communication team members will be less likely to ignore their leader because they feel important. However, our leader used email as a primary means to communicate with them. This notion was reflected in our group I know this because our leader expressed frustration to me that her detailed emails were not being read and absorbed by a few loafing team members. To be an effective leader in a virtual team, one must possess a high willingness to communicate, the capacity to be a transformational leader when necessary and the ability to limit social loafing.
Communication builds trust; transformational leadership boosts self-esteem; a lack of social loafing promotes cohesion. All of these things lay the foundation for a team to work efficiently and effectively. Leadership has been described as a process of social influence in which one person can enlist the aid and support of others in the accomplishment of a common task Chemmers, An autocratic leader gives high emphasis on performance and a low emphasis on people. To get the job done, an autocratic leader relies on power and hard work with minimal employee involvement. However, a human relations leader gives low emphasis on performance and a high emphasis on people.
This type of leader relies on teamwork and good relationship to get the job done. Next, a democratic leader gives high emphasis on performance and people. The leader motivate and managing individuals in order to reach organizational as well as their own personal objectives. Lastly, a laissez faire leader gives low emphasis on performance and people. The leader just do enough to get the job done and leave people alone as much as possible. Every school leader has its own way to choose their leadership style. Furthermore, there is another type of leadership which is servant leadership. Servant leadership is a form of democratic leadership, as the whole team tends to be involved in decision-making.
This leadership has some interesting characteristics for the leader to apply it in their organization and management. In , the National Education Blueprint was released which outlined 11 shifts that will need to implement in our education system. The fifth shift in this plan is to ensure high-performing school leaders in every school. Therefore, types of leadership practiced by the headmasters are important because it will give either positive or negative impact to the schools community. During my last teaching practical, I noticed that the school headmistress practiced a combination of democratic leadership and servant-leadership styles.
Based on my experiences and observation, I believed that this school leader possesses some characteristics as democratic and servant leader. Some of the democratic characteristics are being a decisive-decision maker and also a good communicator. In addition, she also has some characteristics of servant leader such as being empathy, persuasive and community builder. I really admire her leadership styles because I can see that the school communities are comfortable to do their work and the school performance also increases from year to year. The first characteristic of a democratic school leader is being a decisive-decision maker.
I still remembered the time when we had a school meeting where the headmistress came out with an issue and gave the freedom for the teachers to voice out their views or ideas. I rarely see this type of leadership in school. Usually, the school leaders will come out with their own decision and ask the subordinates to follow their pla n. She facilitated the discussion and encouraged the teachers to share their ideas and then synthesizing all the available information into the final decision. She also even asked the teacher trainees to contribute ideas for the school.
I was touched with the discussion and hope that I can have a good leader like her in my future teaching. The second characteristic of a democratic leader possesses by the headmistress is being a good communicator. Whenever she talks either in meeting or in informal discussion, she always ensures that there is two-way communication. A free leadership essay example for the scholarship is given here by talented and professional essay writers. For the purpose of a better understanding of how to write a leadership essay, one can easily follow this sample essay. Once you will go through this example of the essay it is going to be easier for you to prepare the outline and rest of the essay.
The essay is written in a five-paragraph essay format which includes a thesis statement as well. A good leader always leads a team perfectly without any professional training, irrespective of the arena. Leading a group of people in any field is not a job that can be performed by every single human. There have to be certain qualities that are required by the person to become a leader. These characteristics of a leader are very natural and they require no professional training in the majority of the cases. There are so many fields of life and a leader is always there in all these areas.
For example, a leader is required in politics, education, healthcare, management, business, and so on. It is very obvious that a person who is behaving as a good leader in politics can also lead a business with the same beauty. Here we will try to find how the challenges that are faced by a leader in different areas are different from each other. At the same time, we will also try to figure out how these leaders try to adapt them to the provided situation. A leader must have the potential to influence the people with his words. The impact of the words should be that much strong that people get compelled to take an action according to the choice of the leader.
The person who is a leader must possess good communication skills and has to be the best orator as well. His personality and confidence should reflect through body language. If we revolve our head around society we will come to know the there are scores of professional courses being offered by several institutes. The purpose of these courses is to inculcate professionalism in the people for various areas of life. So based on that example we can say that it is also possible for the person to develop leadership qualities or to polish them. If the leader of the group gets shaky about the plans of the task the entire team will be unconfident. So when a person is leading a team he has to be courageous and ready to work in the worst state of mind with the best action.
Only then we can include a person in the list of a good leaders. At the same time, those who are performing leaders in healthcare should possess some basic healthcare knowledge. Similarly, the person working as a leader in business must possess good business communication and so on. Buy Customized Essay on Leadership At Cheapest Price Order Now. From the above essay on leadership, we can derive the conclusion that leadership is a very vast field. A leader has to be active and equally capable of all the areas of leadership to play his role successfully.
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