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Persuasive essay examples college level

Persuasive essay examples college level

Furthermore persuasive essay examples college level, the ability to read and write could bring us lots of advantages. Conduct a study on the cultural, persuasive essay examples college level, religious, and political aspects of the birth control issue. It helps to organize thoughts and make the writing process easier. Nevertheless, it is not a reason to give up. It will make your investigation and writing processes easier! Divorce has negative effects on children. Most blue-collar workers, especially if they are middle-aged, find it extremely difficult to adjust or find new jobs, as companies substitute expensive-to-train employees with labor-saving machinery or equipment.

Tips for Writing a Persuasive Essay

Have you ever wondered what a persuasive essay is? Do you find it difficult to differentiate it from an argumentative one? Are you struggling with the search for persuasive essay topics for college assignments? If you are a college student, persuasive essay examples college level, then you have probably answered yes to every question. No wonder, a persuasive essay writing is quite a challenging task, persuasive essay examples college level. Our team can help you! Here, through clear arguments, the writer demonstrates the legitimacy of their point of persuasive essay examples college level. A topic search for a persuasive essay is not an easy task, though.

But wait, persuasive essay examples college level, let us tell you something. Below, you can find the list of the most successful persuasive topics for college. Use our ideas and create an outstanding persuasive essay! The main secret of the successful persuasive essay is a compelling topic. Therefore, when choosing the right persuasive topic, follow these few simple pieces of advice:. We bet, every college student at least once had an assignment to write a persuasive essay. The best is yet to come! Thus, you have to be prepared to face all the challenges of a persuasive essay composing.

Searching for persuasive essay examples college level persuasive essay topics is a complicated issue. Our team of experts gathered the most popular and effective ideas in one place. Take a look at our list of persuasive essay topics for college students. We divided our ideas into sections so that you can find the most appropriate one. So, you can easily navigate throughout our page for a more effective search. Are you already impressed with a diversity of topics our team collected for you? Since our mission is to help you, we have more persuasive essay ideas for college to share. Below, you can find more fascinating ideas for your assignments. For your convenience, we divided persuasive essay topics for college into several sections. Do you think that persuasive essays have to cover only serious or global issues?

Do you feel as if you have to be overwhelmed with the complexity of the subject? You are mistaken. We prepared the next section of the article for you. Here you can find simple persuasive essay ideas for college students. Select a fascinating topic and compose an outstanding essay. Here you can find a pleasant persuasive essay examples college level from our team—25 more ideas to write about. You can use them not only for essays but also as persuasive speech topics for college. So, take the benefit of our list of topics. Show an outstanding academic performance in the college, persuasive essay examples college level.

Thank you for visiting our page! We hope the information was useful to you, persuasive essay examples college level. We use cookies to give you the best experience possible. If you continue, we will assume that you agree to our Cookies Policy. Everything Career Advice Productivity Scholarship Results Study Study Abroad Writing Tips. Learn More. Table of contents. Clock image. Re-read the assignment. You just have to read it correctly. Unfortunately, college students tend to underestimate the power of the question. Read your assignment carefully because it can provide clues on the topic to look for. Brainstorm ideas. Before writing any paper, college students have to research. It will ensure the argumentative part of the persuasive essay.

To understand what to examine, have an ideation session, and consider a variety of ideas, persuasive essay examples college level. Try to find as many topics as you can. Free college essays collection is a good place to check out as a part of your session. It will make your investigation and writing processes easier! Well, maybe a bit too many. In your essay, you should cover an entire topic so that it sounds convincing. So, specify your title. For instance, you want to persuade your readers to stay healthy. Focus on one specific issue. For example, explore the positive influence of sport on the general health condition of a human being.

Ensure that you have credible sources. In some colleges, even the smallest essays may require a list of references. Thus, make sure you have materials to research and later list as your sources. Remember: Good persuasive paper topics for college have to offer a wide variety of sources to investigate. So, if you are not confident in your materials, better change the title. It will prevent you from a lack of evidence to support your arguments. Choose a topic of personal interest. It is always more pleasurable to write on a topic you are passionate about.

Select something you have an opinion about, but open to debate. Your tutors can disagree with your position. Nevertheless, it is not a reason to give up. State your position clearly and provide convincing arguments to support it. Show your readers that you can change your position if you see some compelling data. It can give you some extra credit. The best persuasion topics for college create an environment for debates and discussions. Be unique! In colleges, the amount of persuasive essay examples college level done daily is enormous. The topic of environmental protection is undoubtedly extremely significant. However: It is way too overused.

The professors are persuasive essay examples college level of reading essays on the same issues again and again. Surprise them and stand out. An educational system should encourage creativity. Student diversity should be present in a school classroom. Why should college students care about their mental and physical health? Why should computer science programs be taught in colleges and universities? Why reading performance of students with learning disabilities should be improved? Studying abroad results in better education. Foreign language learning should be mandatory in school. Conduct research on how foreign languages influence children and teenagers.

What are the positive sides of such education? Then, persuade your readers that foreign languages are essential in the school core curriculum. Art classes should be a priority in middle school. Elaborate on the importance of the development of the sense of art for children and teenagers. Why should art classes be higher in the list of priorities than technical or science courses? How can the right perception of art help pupils in future life? The core curriculum of the high school should not be too broad. Why do we have to narrow down our focus in high school?

Explain how teenagers will benefit from studying particular subjects instead of getting general knowledge. Convince your readers about the importance of focusing on a specific field in high school.

essays on breast cancer

In particular, technology has a drastic impact on the distribution of human labor. Since 21st-century technology is developing at a rapid pace, more and more technological innovations have to be implemented almost every year. This often leads to job destructions, as quite often employees can be easily replaced by the machines. Most blue-collar workers, especially if they are middle-aged, find it extremely difficult to adjust or find new jobs, as companies substitute expensive-to-train employees with labor-saving machinery or equipment. While the intrusion of technology into the professional sphere might make the completion of specific tasks easier, the fact that technological advances often deprive people of their jobs results in anxiety Ohler Even though blue-collar workers are the first ones influenced by a constantly progressing pace of new technology, the white-collar staff is as well subject to a similar situation.

In particular, a life cycle of each product becomes significantly shorter year after year, and IT industry is an obvious example of how new products can become outdated in a blink of an eye. Even though most technological advances, especially in the digital area, make our lives easier, these benefits lead to the loss of privacy. This loss of privacy and the existence of common databases do not only concern our financial transactions that can be easily traced, but also our medical records, which are nowadays stored online. This happens because old technology is constantly being replaced by new, more expansive one.

However, even despite these technological advances, patients and doctors face the same diagnostic problems. Thus, the wide use of technology influences many social aspects of life, including professional, financial, and medical spheres. Human replaceability by the technology results in depressions and other psychological crises. The last of our examples of a persuasive essay, just like the first two, also has its ups and downs. As you already see from the above persuasive essay samples, these types of papers can be very different. Simply put, any paper that proves its point of view can be seen as a persuasive essay. But, if you are still looking for help your deadline is too urgent, you do not feel that strongly about your assigned subject, etc.

Anti-Fraud Policy. Order Now. Save this discount code: 15OFFJUST4U. Get The Discount. Persuasive Essay Examples If you are already looking for persuasive essay examples online, you probably have a somewhat vague idea on how to start writing. Persuasive essay example 1: Why Lie Today, it is quite clear that effective communication is one of the most important and valuable aspects of a social relationship, regardless of whether this relationship is personal, business, or even a medical one. Plus, a thesis statement is placed in the final paragraph of an introduction, which is a must in academic writing. Persuade the readers to perceive racial discrimination as an act of human rights violation. Apollo 11 — the first spaceflight that landed people on the Moon.

Discuss the importance of this event. Convince your readers about the significance of the Moon exploration. History studying should become the top priority for students. The knowledge of history may help to prevent mistakes from the past. So, persuade your readers to explore historical events. Holocaust should not be justified and denied. What are the horrible consequences of holocaust tragedy? Analyze an opinion regarding the denial of the holocaust. Persuade the readers not to support this idea. Civil rights of black Americans should not be limited. Migration should not be restricted because it has certain benefits to modern countries. In the battle of socialism vs. democracy , the second one should win. Nationalism in international relations should be accepted. E-government should become transparent and accountable for the citizens.

Individual rights versus the common good. Express your position regarding the issue. What do you support: individual rights or common good? Persuade the readers to follow your ideas. Gay marriage should be allowed. Elaborate on your arguments and provide counterarguments. Exclude harsh comments and offensive language from the narrative. The death penalty cannot be justified. Why do you think so? Give clear arguments to support your opinion. If you believe that the death penalty is justifiable, prove your position. Electronic voting in the United States should not be banned. Present the positive sides of this way of voting and convince the readers in your rightness.

Then, provide counterarguments. Abortion should be legal. Provide clear arguments to express your position. Or provide counterarguments to contradict the idea of abortion legalization. Community services should be provided for mentally disabled people. Equality and diversity are the main social issues. Interpersonal communication skills are crucial in modern society. Gender inequalities in the 21st century should be overcome. Should the Canadian government legalize prostitution? China should take specific steps to overcome the overpopulation problem.

Implementing more tough punishments on the lawbreakers should reduce the crime rates of the USA. Does family promote or limit mobility? Choose one side of the issue and provide clear arguments to support your ideas. Divorce has negative effects on children. Do you agree with this statement? Convince the readers to accept your point of view by stating your position clearly and powerfully. Birth control should be monitored on a governmental level. Express your opinion regarding birth control in modern society. Conduct a study on the cultural, religious, and political aspects of the birth control issue.

Is there the right age to get married? Decide if there are any age suggestions to create a family or no? Support your choice with bright ideas and appropriate examples. To resolve the conflict, we need to know the nature of the conflict. Do you agree or disagree with this idea? Provide strong arguments to make people believe in your point of view. How do you think psychology works while resolving the conflict? Competing theories are the core of economic development. Demand and supply correlation in the market matters a lot. If we want to stabilize the economy, we have to implement the monetary policy. Should big banks be broken up? We should consider the relationship between money supply and inflation while preventing the high level of inflation.

Industrialization plays a significant role in economic development. Small business owners should receive financial support during the period of crisis. The role of understanding the goals of human resource management in the context of human capital theory. Explain the significance of effective HR management for a business flourishing. Persuade your readers to invest enough resources in human capital. Exchange regimes have a significant impact on macroeconomic performance. Do you agree or disagree with this statement? Provide well-developed arguments to prove your point of view.

Persuade your readers to accept your position. Consumer behavior is different in every country. If you agree, develop this idea by providing strong arguments. Either way, support your arguments with supporting evidence. Make your readers follow your opinion. The understanding of the basic concepts of economics is essential for every person. Explain how the knowledge of economics can help people to manage their money wisely. How to survive during the crisis? How to lead a business successfully, etc.

Persuade your readers to study the basics of economics. Planes should newer take off if weather conditions are inappropriate. Never drive a car if you are under the alcohol or drug effect. Hybrid cars are environmentally friendly, so they should become the future of the transportation industry. Why should people study driving? The usage of alternative energy resources should reshape the global transportation infrastructure. The governments should invest enough money in public transport advancement. Cars usage should be regulated. A school bus should be checked at least once a month to ensure the safety of pupils. The reserves of petroleum should be replenished to provide a proper transportation industry operation. The shipping of essential goods during the state of emergency quarantine, dangerous natural conditions, etc.

should be free. We should use public transport instead of private cars to save the environment. Hybrid engine vs. standard engine. Examine the positive and negative aspects of both of them. Which one would you prefer? Persuade your readers to support your opinion by giving clear arguments. Information technology influences the logistics industry to a great extent. Provide appropriate examples of the IT impact on logistics. Convince your readers of the importance of your opinion. The role of transportation in the development of tourism.

Prove your audience that transportation progress has a direct impact on tourism opportunities. We have to reduce the use of crude oil in the transportation industry. What are the possible adverse ramifications of such oil usage? Persuade your readers to limit applying this type of fuel. The government should control the overpopulation to prevent consequences for the environment. Human activity should be limited to preserve biodiversity. We have to examine an ecologically sustainable approach. Alternative energy sources are essential for saving the planet. We should try our best to live a zero-waste lifestyle. Saving endangered species must be a top priority issue for environmental organizations.

Solar energy can save the environment. The conservation of global resources is necessary for maintaining the lifecycle of the planet. Stopping deforestation will prevent the loss of natural habitat for animals. Tourism negatively affects wildlife. Comment no the negative consequences of traveling on nature. If you believe that tourism does not harm wildlife, provide counterarguments to claim your position. Farming has to be wise. Explain how intensive farming damages nature. Convince your readers about the importance of following the farming rules. The Prime Days on Amazon should be banned. Explain how the incredibly low prices on items during the Prime Days result in extremely high costs for the environment.

Persuade your readers to resist the desire to buy unnecessary goods from Amazon. Without rainforests, our planet will suffocate. Prove the significance of the preservation of the rainforests for the environment. Quite on the contrary, they look for jobs most Americans are not interested in and mostly work in agricultural and industrial areas. Paying taxes is another concern many Americans share. Are Americans forced to pay for foreigners' wellbeing? Are the taxes foreigners pay sufficient? No doubt, this issue is controversial. However, the main problem here is not the actual sum of money legal immigrants pay, but the issue of unregistered immigrants who pay no taxes at all. The necessity of making border controls more severe is discussed, as well as other ways to make illegal immigrants stay away.

Nevertheless, speaking of legal immigrants harming the American way of life is, in fact, groundless. A great persuasive essay example — but just like the first one, it does have room for improvement. Even though one of the primary purposes of education is to offer all students equal opportunities, and, consequently, ensure that each of them digests the same basic concepts, curriculum material acquisition is different for every student, with disabilities or without them. This fact should never be taken off the counts while choosing and implementing AT devices or services. If teachers are to enhance the academic performance of students with disabilities, an individual principle should be applied to assistive technology.

Since the purpose of AT is in assisting children with disabilities to make use of the same technologies non-disabled children can use, it is crucial to consider an individual case of every student - that is, if AT main purpose is to be achieved. Therefore, an individual approach is the only possible way to make AT work. The first thing to consider when choosing an AT device is surely a child's disability. To achieve this, a teacher will have to assess and evaluate the technology, consider specific social and moral issues — in other words, find a custom way of making any device meet the needs and expectations of a child on social, moral, and ethical levels.

Apart from having few tools to enhance the decision-making process, integration of the assistive technology into school curriculum is also associated with certain problems.

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