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Solution of global warming essay

Solution of global warming essay

Global warming will lead to changes to weather patterns, causing some areas to experience flooding and other areas to experience drought conditions NASA, Many crops and farm animals are especially bad for the environment, solution of global warming essay. Get more free essays Which categories were useful to you? Knowing what causes global warming makes it possible to take action, to minimize the deleterious effects of global warming. The Problem of Global Warming Words 2 Pages 3 Works Cited. Not only earth's climate was affected, but also the world's life was involved by this changing.

Solutions to Global Warming

We use cookies to give you the best experience possible. Melissa Phillips. Solution of global warming essay results in an increased emission of greenhouse gases. Caroline Quatman. Brent C. Greenhouse gases can occur naturally as well as a result of human activities. Anne Rector, solution of global warming essay. There are many misconceptions about global warming. Some believe that pollution causes global warming, but the fact is global warming is the result of burning solution of global warming essay fuels, coal, and oil that release carbon dioxide.

Another misconception is nuclear power causes climate change. Nuclear power actually reduces emissions of carbon dioxide when used in place of coal. Some believe that global warming means that it will become warmer all over. The name is misleading because in some places, it will actually become colder. The majority of scientists believe global warming is a process underway and that it is human-induced. Misty Thompson. The greenhouse gases solution of global warming essay carbon dioxide, methane, and nitrous oxide.

These gases occur naturally. Carbon dioxide is released into the atmosphere when solid waste, fossil fuels, wood, and wood solution of global warming essay are burned. Each greenhouse gas absorbs heat differently. If natural gases did not occur, the temperatures would be These gases trap heat and cause the greenhouse effect, rising global temperatures. Heidi Sterrett. Human activities add to the levels of these gasses, causing more problems. The burning of solid waste, fossil fuels, and wood products are major causes.

The increase in agriculture, deforestation, landfills, industrial production, and mining contribute a significant share of emissions too The gases released into the atmosphere are tracked by emission inventories. An emission inventory counts the amount of air pollutants discharged into the atmosphere. These emission inventories are used by many organizations. NASA and meteorologists also use them. Its affect on climate can adversely affect humans. Plagues have been attributed to global warming. An increase in temperature can result in a longer life cycle for diseases or the agents spreading them.

Living in a warm area makes egg production a quicker process. Global warming will lead to more precipitation, which enables infectious diseases to be more easily contracted and spread. Effects of global warming on human health might not be immediately detected. Symone Salisbury. Birds are a species that will be affected by a change in the climate, solution of global warming essay. Global warming might result in birds finding a more permanent home in northern areas in the Northern Hemisphere. The ecosystems of fish will be affected by global warming in a variety of ways. The chemical composition of water could be changed. Fish may migrate to different areas. Other animals could be affected also due to changes in climate and habitat.

Nature will be affected in many ways also. In Spain, more than 2. Temperatures recorded in Tibet are at an excessive high and length. Rising seas in Bermuda and reported high sea level rises in Hawaii are attributed to global warming. When temperatures are on the increase, the tides and waves get higher. Additionally, the temperatures in the oceans create saltier waters, and this erodes beach lines and vegetation along shores. Global warming can affect our future ability to obtain food. As climates change, plants and animals will change, leading to a change in the eating.

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Short-wave solar radiation sinks into the Earth's atmosphere and warms its surface; while longwave infrared radiation emitted by earth's surface is absorbed, and then re-emitted by trace gases. Sherrie Hood.

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Conclusion Global Warming Nowadays, one of the most difficult problems is Global Warming. It is obvious that increasing in earth's temperature has made significant negative effects on earth's climate during the last few decades. Not only earth's climate was affected, but also the world's life was involved by this changing. While most people do not realize the worse effects of rising the earth's temperature, the researchers try to illustrate the impact of changing the earth's temperature on the future of the next generations on this plant 1.

One may ask how the Greenhouse Effect is so detrimental to the environment. The burning of fossil fuels expels extra greenhouse gases into the atmosphere. The most abundant gas released from this process is Carbon Dioxide. When Carbon Dioxide levels are high, this in turn causes the temperature to rise causing many different things to happen, such as the melting of the polar ice caps. Should the polar ice caps melt, this would not only wash out many different ecosystems from the excess water on land, but it would also release a great deal of Carbon Dioxide into the atmosphere that had been trapped in the ice caps. This is why recycling may help stop global warming. Many people may not know it, but factory smoke, and anything that the earth uses for gas damages our ozone layer.

These things are releasing too much carbon dioxide. More carbon dioxide than the vegetation on earth can handle. Trees, grass, and flowers require carbon dioxide to live. It is mainly caused by the release of greenhouse gases and deforestation is also contributing to the warming of our earth. Global warming is already starting to kick in, crops are beginning to dry out and weather patterns are changing, while global warming could also cause many people and big companies to struggle financially. People should be made aware of this problem and we should try avoid using fossil fuels. Global warming is a severe problem in the world. Their theories have led to various ideas like greenhouse gasses.

Greenhouse gasses are carbon molecules that have been exposed and are not being captured by enough plants so it causes climate change. Climate change is also a very good example of global warming. An aerosol can range from hairspray all the way to dust particles in the air. The new worries that are starting to show prominence in society today are the increase in carbon dioxide from t middle of paper whole will not be able to be salvaged. There is a general worldwide consensus that there is climate change occurring, but many still claim it's not man made, but a natural earth cycle. While this may contain some truth, most believe that the causes of aerosol, fossil fuels, and the greenhouse effect are the reasons for global warming.

These causes can easily be reduced if we take in the time and effort to halt the actions. Global Warming is the increase of temperature on Earth which is caused by human activities and will have very serious consequences for life on Earth if humans don't start to do something about it now. Global Warming is caused when the Greenhouse Gases combines with the atmosphere and traps heat. It is strongly related to pre-human and pre- industrial global warming, it is also weakly related to depletion of ozone layer, which was caused by the CFC Chlorofluorocarbons gas.

The effects of global warming on the environment are dangerous, such as: rising of sea level because polar caps melt, changes in the pattern of precipitation, floods, droughts, heat waves, hurricanes and tornadoes. These effects would take away life and destroy houses or anything else human made. This essay will discuss the problem of global warming, the causes and suggest the best ways to solve this controversial issue. The factors responsible for global warming are both natural, and man-made. Many of the causes of global warming are human activities, which contribute to green house gas emissions in the atmosphere. The increase in greenhouse emissions in the atmosphere reinforces the green house effect, which later leads to global warming.

The largest contributor to global warming is carbon dioxide, as it holds the largest part of green house gases in the atmosphere. To stop global warming we should stop polluting the air and water also growing trees is a very good way to stop global warming because global warming changes the temperature however, trees can balance the temperature by keeping the temperature cold. We must stop Global warming because global warming is causing problems on the earth and every creature living on it such as raising of water, climate change, and Aquatic animal danger however there are some good effects too.

Global warming causes water level to raises up. Methane is released into the atmosphere from a dozen major sources What is global warming? Methane is a gas that is produced while the coals are burned. Home Page Solutions to Global Warming. Reducing energy needs at an individual level and not wasting energy in any form is the most important step to be taken against global warming. The warning bells are tolling to awaken us from the deep slumber of complacency we have slipped into. Humans can fight against nature and it is high time we acknowledged that. With all our scientific progress and technological inventions, fighting off the negative effects of global warming is implausible. We have to remember that we do not inherit the earth from our ancestors but borrow it from our future generation and the responsibility lies on our shoulders to bequeath them a healthy planet for life to exist.

One good action in a day to combat the heat. Global Warming and Climate Change are two sides of the same coin. Both are interrelated with each other and two issues of major concern worldwide. Black holes have started to form in the ozone layer that protects the earth from harmful ultraviolet rays. Human activities have created climate change and global warming. Industrial waste and fumes are the major contributors to global warming. Another factor affecting is burning of fossil fuels, deforestation and also one of the reasons of climate change.

Global warming has resulted in shrinking mountain glaciers in Antarctica, Greenland, and the Arctic and causing climate change. Switching from the use of fossil fuels to energy sources like wind and solar. When buying any electronic appliance buy the best quality with energy savings stars. A term that we commonly encounter today is global warming. Our acquaintance with the term is limited to our textbooks and the negative consequences that we read about. But what global warming really is so much more than a theoretical concept. Global Warming refers to the phenomenon of the gradual heating of the earth because of the trapping of heat primarily due to human activities. Its perils are not restricted to only some aspects but are all-encompassing and can put the existence of life on earth in danger.

Although there are multiple causes of global warming , some major causes contribute more than others. These factors accelerate its rate:. Bicycle into your future with a better atmosphere. Writing an effective essay needs skills that few people possess and even fewer know how to implement. While writing an essay can be an assiduous task which can be unnerving at times, some keys pointers can be inculcated to draft a successful essay. These involve focusing on the structure of the essay, planning it out well and emphasizing on crucial details. Mentioned below are some pointers that can help you write better structure and more thoughtful essays that will get across to your readers:.

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